So, last night I decided I need to make some system for have irregular frame sprite sheets, but the more I think about it, the obviously more complicated it becomes, so for now I'll start using 128x128 sheets even when I don't need the space. I may have to program in support for cropped-frames at some point or something since this will mean I'll have a lot of useless pixel data.
So. New to-do list.
Change animations to 128x128 format.
Get a slash animation, probably take one from the progress pic thread, for now.
- Make a block animation?
Get some sounds hooked up.
Start work on my own player-character sprite set?
- Start work on Amplitude-to-visibility function.
Start basic ai work?
Time to get busy.
So my connection died last night, preventing me from editing this post, yay.
After the first 24hours I have a place-holder character who walks around, has steps sounds, can attack with an attack sound, animation, a cool down on the attack, and a place-holder enemy who can do all those as well.
I think I'll try to have my own main character sprite made before working on the blocking stuff.
The file for the player is a bit of a mess though, I'm going to try and simplify it.
But again, decent progress.
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